Monday, 16 February 2015

Easy General Physical Examination on Dogs and Cats

Hi,this is what i do frequently to assess my pets health.It is easy to learn.Practice make perfect.Ask the vet when you bring your pet to vet visit.

The general examination includes examination of:
1 respiratory rate and movements
2 pulse and heart rate
3 body temperature
4 mucous membranes
5 peripheral lymph nodes

1 respiratory rate and movements 

Resp rate/ breathing rate should be observed from far.Make sure your pet is in resting and relaxed mood.If not the examination will not be accurate.

How to do?

1)Observe the chest region of your pet from far so that your pet is not excited and prepare a watch or clock that shows seconds.

2)Chest expand(inhale) and chest back to normal (exhale) is counted as 1 breath.

3)Count no. of breath for 15 second.

4)Then multiply the no of breath obtained in 15 seconds by 4.Then you will get the respiration rate for 1 min.Yeah!

5)Normal respiration rate/min:
Dog(adult):18-34( higher after exercise or during hot weather)

The breathing rhythm should be equal and there is no forceful inhalation or exhalation when your pet is in relaxed state.
Breathing normally will involve movement in the chest region(area with ribs).
Too much involvement of abdominal movement might indicate respiratory problem.

2 heart rate and pulse

Make sure your pet is in resting and relaxed mood.If not the examination will not be accurate.

Heart rate has to be auscultated using a stethoscope .If you don't have one, never mind, you still can do digital palpation on femoral artery.The pic below show location to feel for femoral pulse.

How to do?

1)Your pet can be in any position as long it is calm.

2)Put your whole palm at the region with red arrow.Video demonstrate how to perform digital palpation on femoral pulse:

3)Use your finger tips to feel for the pulse(no need put too much pressure upon palpation).

4)Count no. of pulse for 15 second.

5)Then multiply the no of pulse obtained in 15 seconds by 4.Then you will get the respiration rate for 1 min.Yeah!

6)Normal pulse rate/min:
Dog(adult) : 70-120(small sized dog),60-120(large sized dog)
Cat(adult) : 120-150

Extra reading extracted from journal:
Bounding pulses indicate either a hyperdynamic state or some form of diastolic run-off (such as a patent ductus arteriosus or aortic insuf- ficiency).
Remember, a pulse indicates only the difference in systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure and does not give accurate information on systemic mean arterial blood pressure.
Weak pulses are a common finding in the critically ill and can be due to decreased cardiac output (either low stroke volume or decreased contractility), peripheral vasoconstriction, or decreased pulse pressure. The response to intravenous fluid therapy will help distinguish among the causes of shock.

3)Body temperature

Body temperature can be accessed via the anus(anal temperature) using a digital thermometer(cheap on cost a few RM only ).Avoid using mercury in household as it need some skills to read and mercury is dangerous once broken)

How to do?

1)The tail (if not docked)is grasped quietly but firmly near the base and raised.

2) Lubricate the tip of thermometer with lube or baby oil or water.

3)Gently and slowly insert the thermometer into anus.(it is a sensitive part).Advance 1-1.5cm into anus will do.

4)Make sure the tip of thermometer is touching the anal wall by slightly slanting the thermometer downward in the anus.If just insert the thermometer straight, you are taking the temperature of feces but not the body temperature.

5)When the thermometer produce "bib' sound.Take it out slowly and read it.

Normal reading(degree celcius):
Dog(adults) : 38.4-39.4
Cat (adult) : 38.1-39.1

Daily variations in body temperature are also strongly associated with physical activity.

In many diseases there is a change in body temperature which is the result of pyrogens raising the set point of the thermoregulation center to a higher level.

 The measurement of body temperature, for which rectal temperature is used, can therefore provide an important signal for the first recognition of a disorder.

In conditions associated with abnormal body temperature, repeated measurements are also informative about the course of the disease.

4)Mucous membrane

Mucous membrane can be accessed from the gum or lower eyelid.
Mucous membrane can be used to check hydration status and peripheral blood perfusion (capillary refill time) means the blood circulate .

How to do?

1) Gently hold on to the head of your pet.

2) Use another hand to flip open the side of lower mouth lip THEN you will be able to see pinkish, soft and moist surface sometimes is pigmented(mucus membrane).

3) Normal mucous membrane should be pinkish in colour and moist.Dry and sticky mucus membrane means your pet is dehydrate.Give them fresh water.

4) Then check the capillary refill time(CRT) by using finger to press on the pinkish gum(aviod pigmented area) then release it. It should turn from pale back to pinkish colour in less than 2 seconds.
If the CRT is 3 or more than 3 second, please visit a vet.

Prolonged CRT (> 2 seconds) may indicate compromised circulation due to cold, shock, cardiovascular disease, anemia or other causes and must be further evaluated by a supervisor before admitting the animal for surgery.

5)Peripheral lymph node

The lymph node is where the warrior fight with the evils. They will enlarge when they are fighting.
In hu-mans, when you have fever and sore throat, there will be 2 balls buldging below the cheek(it is called sub mandibular lymph node).

By checking the lymph node, you can know whether there is any local infection happening to you pet.

There are certain criteria of lymph nodes have to be checked :

a)size of lymph node
- lymph node always come in pairs.If one is bigger than another mean there is infection happening.
- usually the mandibular and popliteal lymph node are palpable in normal condition(normal size).
- the other lymph nodes are not palpable unless it enlarged due to infection.

b)shape of lymph node
-ellipsoidal in normal but will retain even enlarge due to infection
-will change if it is metastasis

-normal lymph node in healthy animal will not be painful upon palpation.

- normal lymph node is movable but it will be less movable if there is infection.

How to do?

1)You need to train your finger to be sensitive in order to plapate.Usually I will palpate mandibular and popliteal lymph node.(refer to figure below,)

2)Remember to palpate both pair of corresponding nodes on opposite sides of the body and compare the size and shape.

3)Palpate softly.The sensitivity of your fingers is always reduced by palpating with a hard grasp and this can also be very unpleasant for the animal.

Video demonstrate on lymph node palpation:

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